Temple of Olympian Zeus
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Temple of Olympian Zeus
There is the online camera showing the ruins of the famous Athenian Temple of Olympian Zeus or Olympieion. This amazing historic site is located in the southeastern part of the famous Acropolis, near Constitution Square (Syntagma).
One of the most important temples of antiquity, the Temple of Olympian Zeus in this live broadcast, was built of Pentelian marble. Nowadays, only columns have remained from Olympieion, which is shown by a webcam, so the temple is called Columns of Olympian Zeus. The height of the columns in the online camera is 17 meters, and their diameter is 2 meters.
Besides the Temple of Olympus Zeus in this webcam, on the territory of the archaeological site shown in a live stream, there are ruins of classical period buildings, as well as the basilica of the early Christianity and elements of the fortifications of the city, belonging to the reign of Rome are preserved to the present.
Outside the archaeological site, near the Ilyssos River, lie the ruins of the temple of Cronus and Rhea, dated 150 AD.
It is known that in the area where there is the Temple of Olympian Zeus shown in online camera, since ancient times, there were two sanctuaries. The most important of them was the Delphinius sanctuary, next to which there was one of the cities ships (Epi Delfinio).
During the Roman Empire reign, the emperor Hadrian ordered the construction of Zeus Panellenios sanctuary which means pan-Greek (in the supreme value) that was located southern from Olympieion in this live stream.
In the year 131 AD, Roman baths and the Arch of Hadrian, which you can also see in the live camera of the online broadcast, were erected.
The Arch of Hadrian
The arch, well shown in the live camera, was built in honor of the Emperor Hadrian. And the new district that appeared around the temple of Olympian Zeus was named after him – Adrianopolis.
The height of the Arch of Hadrian online, is 18 meters, the width is 13.5 meters. The arched span is 6.5 meters wide. At the top of the arch on the west side flaunts the inscription: “ΑΙΔ ‘ΕΙΣ’ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΘΗΣΕΩΣ Η ΠΡΙΝ ΠΟΛΙΣ” (This is Athens, the ancient city of Theseus). On the eastern side is knocked out: “ΑΙΔ ‘ΕΙΣ’ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΥ Κ’ΟΥΧΙ ΘΗΣΕΩΣ ΠΟΛΙΣ” (This is the city of Hadrian, not Theseus).
At the end of the 18th century, the arch in this online camera became part of the eastern wall of the Turkish fortification, known as the Haseki Wall, which played a protective role. In past times, the arch was called Pyli tou Adrianou and Kamaroporta (Arched Gate).
As can be clearly seen in the online cam, the Arch of Hadrian was perfectly preserved until the 21st century. Now this historical attraction bears the title of one of the most recognizable and photographed monuments of Athens, reminding its residents and tourists about the glory of the ancient city.
Watch other Baltic Live Cam live broadcasts from Athens – a view of the coast of the Paleo Faliro and Omonoia Square.