Rhinoceros in Arignar Anna Zoological Park

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Rhinoceroses in Arignar Anna Zoo

In this interesting webcam, you can get to know the great Indian rhinoceros, one of the most endangered species in the country.

At the moment, a pair of rhinoceroses live in the Arignar Anna Park, where the live broadcast is coming from. For them there are special conditions close to their natural habitat. On the territory of the aviary in the online camera there are swamps, ponds and even showers.

Indian rhinoceroses (greater one-horned rhinoceroses, great Indian rhinoceroses), shown in the online camera, are native to India and Nepal. This species of rhino is the second largest after the white rhino, weighing 2 to 3 tons.

Rhinoceroses of all kinds, like those you see on the webcam, have thick skin that protects animals from damage. The skin peculiarity of Indian rhinoceroses is the presence of flexible skin folds, similar to armor plates.

Also, the Indian rhinos in this live broadcast have characteristic bumps covering their legs, shoulders and back.

The popular name for Indian rhinos is “greater one-horned rhinoceros.”

The length of the horns of the Indian rhinoceroses, which you see online, usually does not exceed 30 cm. But sometimes there are individuals with horns up to 60 cm!

Previously, Indian rhinoceroses displayed online were abundant in northern India, but now their numbers have declined due to hunting. Now, greater one-horned rhinoceroses in their natural habitat can be found near the Himalayan Mountains, among meadows and forests. For example, these animals have been spotted in TeraiDuar Savanna and the “Elephant Grass” region.

The Indian rhinos, which can be seen well on the web camera, prefer to live on a fertile plain, among the tall grass they consume for food. Also, these herbivores eat leaves, flowers, fruits, berries, roots.

Due to their large size, Indian rhinos in the online camera do not have many enemies in the wild. The most dangerous for them are tigers, who prefer cubs of rhinoceros. They are more threatened by a person who exterminates them because of their valuable horns.

Greater one-horned rhinoceros, which are directed by the online camera, are loners. Together they gather only during the mating season. Pregnancy of a female of Indian rhino lasts 15-16 months, ending with the birth of one cub. The kid stays with his mother for 2 years.

Since the large Indian rhinos are on the verge of extinction, they mainly live in the zoos of the world.

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