Have you got a breathtaking location or an exciting event in mind? Have you always wanted to share it to the world live, but don’t know how or lack necessary equiptment? We have a solution for all your livestreaming needs!
The video streaming has come a long way. Earlier, you had to have a deep understanding of how computer networking works. In this day and age of technology, with streaming services like Twitch, Periscope and Facebook Live, everyone can start streaming from everywhere in the world through both stationary and mobile devices in a matter of seconds. Although these methods are easily accessible, the option to stream 24/7 from your camera gets more technical. Baltic Live Cam is offering a unique solution for streams by offering the option to buy and install an HD-camera with all the necessary equipment required specifically for your streaming needs already included, to ensure an uninterrupted 24/7 stream, in your desired location.
Furthermore, we are giving you an option to earn money from your streams by using our commercial offer. Contact us and fill our form below for further details on the monetization.
Join our service and share new wonderful views and explore new marketing and revenue opportunities today!
The process of getting a stream through us is quick and simple and consists of four main steps: