Akureyri panorama

Akureyri , Iceland
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The city of Akureyri, which is perfectly visible in webcam, is the northern capital of Iceland. Akureyri online, is located inside the beautiful fjord Isafjordur, which live stream is also on our website.

For the first time the city of Akureyri, you see in live broadcast, is mentioned in the Vikings times. The name of the city in Icelandic means: coastal land.

The population of the city with web camera mainly works in the fishing industry and tourism.

Akureyri with the live camera, is the cultural center of the country. There are a university, a theatre, museums and a symphony orchestra.

In the city of Akureyri in live webcam like to travel fans of ecotourism. From this city it is easily to get to the Godafoss waterfall, as well as to the amazing Grimsi island, located beyond the northern polar circle.

Surrounded by numerous hills and mountains, Akureyri, demonstrated in live footage, attracts tourists from all over the world. The highest mountains are Hlidarfjall (more than 1110 m) and Súlur (slightly less than 1215 m).

There is a great natural attraction in the cuty in web camera: Gullfoss Waterfall on the Skjálfandafljót river.

The locality of Akureyri online, is famous for its magnificent volcanoes, the most popular of which are: Askja, Kerling, Hverfjall , Sulur and Graubok. After several eruptions there are some not freezing beautiful lakes arround Askja.

The ice caves of Kverkfell and Nemaskaro are very beautiful.

The most important cultural and historical landmark of the city of Akureyri in the live camera, is the Akureyri Church with the largest organ in Iceland.

There is the most northern botanical garden on the territory of the city of Akureyri with online webcam.

Fans of outdoor activities in Akureyri, where there is a live stream comes from, will not be bored. There are stadium, tennis courts and many other sports facilities.

Many Icelandic tourism organizations have an interesting sea trips by the northern coast of Iceland. During this trip it is interesting to observe the beautiful and majestic whales.

In Akureyri with online camera like to come the fans of fishing. Especially valuable is the Icelandic salmon, which lives in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean.


Watch other nice Baltic Live Cam live streams from Iceland – Lake Tjörnin in Reykjavik and Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon.


The climate in Akureyri online, is subarctic. In summer, the air temperature sometimes reaches +20 ° C. Precipitation is low. In winter, the average daily temperature is about -2 ° C. A lot of precipitation falls. The most favorable time for a trip to Akureyri: is from the end of spring to the beginning
of autumn.

Weather forecast in Akureyri for 7 days is available on our website online.