Polar bears at Alaska Zoo
Wild animals online , Wild animalsPolar bears at the Alaska Zoo
In this online camera you can enjoy a live broadcast from the Alaska Zoo and see a polar bear in its natural habitat.
The Alaska Zoo, where the online stream comes from, is the main attraction of the American state of Alaska, home to about 50 species of mammals and birds.
The Alaska Zoological Park in the web camera, has been operating since 1969 caring for orphaned and injured wildlife. In addition, Alaska conducts educational courses on wildlife conservation.
Despite the fact that over the past decades, the zoo in the live camera, has increased the number of animals and improved infrastructure, here they remain true to their main mission – to provide homes for the animals that need them. The organization, where the live broadcast comes from, works closely with wildlife and other zoos to ensure that animals are housed in good permanent homes in natural woodland habitats.
The polar bears you see on this webcam are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (US Fisheries and Wildlife Service). The rule states that polar bears cannot be hunted by foreigners, and their existence is strictly regulated.
Researchers are studying the behavior of polar bears online, their populations and the effects of human presence, regulating the quantity of the king of the Arctic. Many studies the polar bear that the live camera is aimed at are by attaching GPS tracking devices to their collars. Thus, it was noted that one female completely bypassed the North Pole of the world in one year!
Polar bears, shown well in live camera, are threatened with extinction due to the rapid loss of their habitat among the sea ice caused by global climate change. The Alaska Zoo with this live footage, is very active with the International Polar Bear Society, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Geological Survey Research Center in Alaska. All of these organizations work together to conserve polar bears and sea ice through educational programs and other partnerships.
In fact, the Alaska Zoo, which houses this live webcam, is the only organization authorized by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to provide first aid to polar bears affected by emergencies on the North Slope of Alaska. The organization, where the webcam is conducted from, has a cub room, new adoption center, adult bear holding areas and additional dens to house predators as part of its emergency response.
Alaska Zoo has partnered with Alaska Clean Seas to provide training and supplies for first aid equipment.
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