Old Town (Stare Miasto)

Gdańsk , Poland
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Old Town of Gdansk (Stare Miasto)

There you are a beautiful webcam to historic Gdansk, its Old Town (Stare Miasto).  This Old Town is one of the most beautiful European cities with all the most beautiful sights.

The Golden Gate (Złota Brama), which appeared here in the 1612-1614, is the main entrance to the historic Old Town of Gdansk, perfectly shown in the online webcam. Near the Golden Gate there is the St. George monument, the St. George brotherhood (Dwor Bractwa sw. Jerzego).

The main street of the Old Town of Gdansk, whose beautiful panorama you can see in online broadcast, is Dluga Street. It houses the most important buildings and museums of Gdansk with this live stream. Take a look around the beautiful City Hall building (Ratusz Głownego Miasta Gdanska). The town hall square is surrounded by colorful houses with stucco and fancy patterns. Also there are cafes and restaurants here.

The main Gdansk Town Hall Square decoration is the Fountain of Neptune (Fontanna Neptuna), located in its very center.

If you pass a little beyond the square, you will see the Green Gate (Oddział Zielona Brama) from the 14th century: the oldest water gate of Gdansk in the web camera. Nowadays, the gate’s building houses a branch office of the National Museum and the Gdańsk gallery of photography (Muzeum Narodowe).

Do not miss the old bridge over the Motlawa River channel with the Old Gdansk embankment, which you see in the live cam.

The key attraction of the embankment is Zhurav over Motlavoy Zuraw. The Zuraw is a port crane and a symbol of the Gdansk maritime history. Nowadays, the museum Oddział Narodowego Muzeum Morskiego operates in the Zuraw building.

Another interesting gates of the Old Town of Gdansk, perfectly demonstrated by online camera, is the 15th century gates of Brama Chlebnicka. There are few more gates worth mentioning: the Gate of St. Mary (Brama Mariacka), Brama Swietojanska, Brama Stagiewna and Stagwie Mleczne.

An interesting monument of the Gdansk historical center, which is visible in the online camera of our live stream, is the Royal Barn (Spichlerz Krolewski).

On Piwna Street, there are such places of interest as: Church of the Virgin Mary (Bazylika konkatedralna Wniebowzięcia Najswiętszej Marii Panny w Gdansku) or Bazylika Mariacka. Other names for this temple are the Church of St. Mary and the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Academy of Fine Arts (Akademia Sztuk Pięknych) is also located here.

It is interesting to see the fortification tower – Baszta Jacek. Nearby there is the only shopping center in Old Gdansk you see onlineHala Targowa Gdańsk.

Visit the Church of St. Catherine or Katarzhyn (Koscioł sw. Katarzyny). Pass a little further and you will see a small river – the Raduna canal (Kanał Raduni), and next to it there is the Small mill – Mały Młyn. On the opposite bank there is the Big Mill – Wielki Młyn.

We can tell endlessly about the sights of the Old Town of Gdansk, which you can see in webcam live, but we mentioned only the most important and noteworthy places to see.


Gdansk in the live camera, has a humid maritime climate. Winter is mild, summer is warm and rainy. July and August are the warmest months. January and February are the coldest months with temperatures up to −15 C.
Weather forecast in Gdansk for 7 days is available on our website online.

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