Portofino , ItalyReport a mistake!
Portofino in the webcam is an elite Italian tourist resort town and the smallest municipality in the province of Genoa, located in the Ligurian region.
The beaches of Portofino, including those shown in the online camera, have been awarded the Blue Flag for the cleanliness of the coast and the sea.
The live streamed resort is located on the territory of the National Park (Parco Naturale Regionale di Portofino) – the most protected area on the northern coast of the western part of Mediterranean Sea.
Portofino, which you see in the web camera, is located under a 600-meter cape – one of the most attractive places in the region. The picturesque view of the rocky coast in the online broadcast does not leave indifferent either the locals or numerous tourists. How many beautiful photos travelers leave in memory!
Portofino in the online live camera is an ancient city. It was founded by the Roman emperor and was called “Portus Delphini” (port of dolphins), probably because there were a lot of dolphins in the bays “Tigullio” and “Paradiso”.
Of the religious monuments in Portofino, where the live broadcast is coming from, the 12th century Parish Church of San Martino, built in honor of Saint Martino di Tours, and undergoing reconstruction after the bombing during the Second World War, deserves attention. The church interior is decorated with various works of art – from old paintings (Madonna del Rosario, Saints Rocco, Sebastiano and Pantaleo, etc.) to beautiful statues, in particular, a wooden group of sculptures depicting Christ.
The Romantic style church of San Giorgio was built in 1154. In 1691, the structure of the temple was rebuilt, and the road (Salita San Giorgio) was also widened, allowing access to the church from the main square of the city. In 1760, another reconstruction took place, and during the Second World War the church was completely destroyed. Only in 1950 it was restored again.
From the historical sights of Portofino in the webcam, tourists are attracted by the “Brown Castle” (Castello Brown, Castello di San Giorgio), an ancient fortress on the coast of the city in the “Tigullio” Bay. The citadel has an advantageous position – you can fully see Portofino in the online camera and the aforementioned bay. Until the 14th century, the castle was often besieged and occupied. Since 1961, “Brown Fortress” has been owned by the city’s municipality, which has been using it as a place of cultural exposition.
Traveling around Portofino in a webcam, you should not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the Abbey of L’abbazia benedettina di San Fruttuoso of the Roman era. It is located to the west of the city and can only be reached by sea or by a path leading from Mount Portofino. In 259, the ashes of St. Fruttuoso Bishop “di Tarragona” were transported there, after whom it got its name.
Potofino has a typical Mediterranean climate with warm, sunny summer with an average temperature of +27C and mild winter with an average of +14C. Weather forecast in Portofino for 7 days is available on our website online.
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