Lenin Square

Stavropol , Russia
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Lenin Square

The online camera shows the central square of the city of Stavropol – Lenin Square. The monument to the leader of the revolution appeared in this place in 1963. Nearby there are Lermontov Library – the largest in the Stavropol Territory and the Dynamo football stadium. Also here is the building of the regional government.

Opposite Lenin Square online, there is another one – Aleksandrovskaya Square with a beautiful cascading fountain, flower beds and a 25-meter stele with a gilded Guardian Angel.


It is better to start a trip to Stavropol in this live broadcast from the most striking sight of the city – Fortress Mountain, where there is also a live webcam on the Baltic Live Cam website. There is an observation deck with a view of the surroundings, the Caucasus Mountains, Elbrus, Taman forest and the Tashla River. On the Fortress Hill stands the symbol of Stavropol – the Suvorov Cross.

The most important religious attraction of Stavropol in the online camera is the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It is located on the highest point of the Fortress Mountain and together with the dome is 76 meters.

In the city, where the live stream comes from, there are city memorable places that are associated with the names of the great Russian writers – Pushkin, Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy.

On the aforementioned Fortress Hill there is the most famous monument to Pushkin in the region. Also, one of the central streets is named after Lermontov.

Stavropol, shown in the webcam, is a young and very green city. The most populous place is Alexandrovskaya Square with the figure of an angel.

There is an unusual place in the Taman forest – “Cold Spring”. This is a memorial ensemble in honor of civilians who died during the Nazi occupation. The monuments are inscribed in the system of springs.

In Stavropol, with this online live camera, in the very center of the city, there is a unique building – Bayger pharmacy of 1913.


Stavropol, shown in the webcam, is located in a zone of temperate continental climate. Winter is short, with frequent temperature changes. The coldest month is January, with a temperature of about -4-5 C. The maximum is up to -21 C. Summer is long and hot. The average air temperature in July is from +23 to + 25C. It happens up to + 42C. Weather forecast in Stavropol for 7 days is available on our website online.

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